10 Things I Cherish More During This Era

The nature of my job is very demanding. I am not complaining because I enjoy the fact that every day does not look the same. Leading internal communications and employee engagement, with a focus on diversity and inclusion is an incredible blessing. But I am also a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. I do my best to maintain the relationships in my life, but it’s not always easy to keep up with it all. Like most people in NYC, except essential workers, I am working from home. Thankfully, the leadership team where I work has been very supportive and they have been emphasizing the importance of slowing down and spending time with family. This quarantine period, because of the coronavirus, has given me the opportunity to wipe the lens I look through to observe this special thing called LIFE. Unknowingly, I was taking a few things for granted at times, even myself.

Here are 10 things I cherish more during this era.

1. Laughter – I am a bubbly and joyous person. At work, you can always hear me laughing. After all, laughter is the best medicine. What I think I took for granted, is the impact laughter can have in situations like this. It’s easy to be consumed by worry and overwhelmed by balancing it all. Of course, this is a somber time. Many people have lost their loved ones and their sickness looming in our country, our states, our cities, our communities, and for some, our homes. I pray for all the first respondents and essential workers. They all play a significant part in our survival. But we all must keep our sanity! My girlfriend called me on Thursday last week, and she couldn’t stop laughing. My house looked like a war zone and I looked like I was on the front lines. My kids were going stir crazy and so was I. Jasia was screaming for my attention, Jaxon was crying non-stop, our dog Lily was barking, all happening at the same time. Because she was laughing uncontrollably, I couldn’t help but laugh too. That lightened the mood and completed changed the tone of the situation. Got to love a good laugh with friends.

Laughter is the best medicine!

2. Scented Candles While I Work – Ok. This may not be for everyone, but it sure as hell is something I wish I can have in the office. Scented candles! There’s something about scented candles or a nice diffuser oil that mentally resets you. This has helped me while I am working from home. It has been said that our sense of smell plays a critical role in our mental and overall health. I am always in a better mood when the scents around me are pleasant.

3. The Outdoors – My mom and dad used to say, “You never miss the water til’ the well runs dry.” I work in the city. My day, outside of the office, is very monotonous. I get the kids and myself ready. Drop them off, then go to the gym. After the gym, I head to the office. At the end of the day, I pick up the kids. I make dinner, feed the dog, do homework with Jasia, finish off some office work, then get them ready for bed. Not to mention a few house chores in between. Working from home has awarded me the opportunity to refocus and reshape my day. After about a week of not leaving the house at all, the kids and I went outside for some fresh air. We needed that! Jax was less fussy, Jasia enjoyed scooting around, and she literally was just enjoying nature. I am nature fanatic myself and loved just looking around at its beauty. It’s so easy to take these simple and beautiful things around us for granted.

Jasia said, “Yummm! Mommy, it smells so good.”

4. Quality Time With My Husband – My husband and I relationship, like all relationships, is not as whimsical as you see it in the movies. We work our butts off to preserve our relationship. We love each other but have to take actionable steps to ensure the other person knows and feels it. My husband works at a hospital. He is considered an essential worker. Therefore, he is unable to work from home. As parents, it’s easy to feel like we are two sailing ships passing each other throughout the day. At night and on weekends, we are spending more quality time with each other. We have been having more open and honest conversations about life, love, and family. There is no better time than the present, and I want to enjoy it with him. I melt in his comfort and consolation.

5. Bonding Time With The Kids And The Dog – During the first week of quarantine, I did my best to spend time with the kids. If I can be honest, it felt a bit like work to me. It felt like something else I had to check off my action list. This is because during the day I was consumed by conference calls, creating and implementing strategic plans, and let’s not forget replying to constant emails. Again, I am not complaining because this is my job and I enjoy it. That doesn’t mean it can’t be overwhelming at times, especially when I have to home-school Jasia, take care of a nine-month-old baby, and spend cuddle time with our dog, Lily. As I mentioned in my other article, “Working From Home With Kids During COVID19 Quarantine Period,” it is so important to take a moment to have fun. Have a dance contest, play hide and seek, or a fun board game. More and more, I am cherishing and loving this time with them. They deserve my undivided attention, and I deserve more time with them. God loved me so much, he gave me these two miracles and chose me to be their mother. I am learning to balance it all, and once again I am blessed with time with them. I carve out moments during the weekend to bond with them because realistically during the week I can’t always give 100% of myself. One of my favorite things to do with Jasia is baking. Her favorite thing is licking the bowl of course. As for our son Jax, I love slowing down my pace and not focusing on the “to-do’s.” It’s fun just looking in his eyes, tickling him, hugging him, and playing with him without focusing on an end time. I admire his personality and the little changes as he grows.

Baking brownies with the kids.
Jasia’s favorite part of baking is licking the batter off the spoon and bowl.

6. My Village – These are the times when I miss my village. Most of my close family and friends live in Trinidad and Tobago. There’s no question about it. If they were here, they would have offered help with the kids and been there for us any way they can, while still practicing social distancing when possible. Oh, how I miss my dad, mom, brother, and his family! I cherish their love more and the fact that they are alive. I continue to pray for their health, especially my dad who is most at risk due to pre-existing health conditions.

7. Hair-care – I will be the first to say that I have not been good to my hair for a long time. I haven’t deep conditioned it in over a year. It has been so dry and my curls are lacking its divine lusciousness. If you know me, I take less than two minutes every morning to brush my hair into my ever-fabulous bun. This doesn’t help with my curl definition. Most times, my excuse is I just don’t have the time. Honestly, I didn’t and I still don’t, but my goal throughout this situation is to make time for the things that matter. This weekend, I wanted to give my hair some love and took some time washing, conditioning, and grooming it. I am sure my curls were shocked but grateful.

Deep conditioning my hair.

8. My Natural Beauty – I usually don’t wear very much makeup. However, I don’t skip doing my eyelashes every four weeks or so. I always joke with my friend Sheila that that’s all I have left. 🙂 Like other establishments, the salon is closed. My eyelashes are gone and initially, I felt like Kermit the Frog. Just kidding, maybe! 🙂 Though I do miss my eyelashes, I love seeing my natural beauty. My skin couldn’t be clearer because I haven’t worn make up for over a week. It’s so funny that we think some things are so important to us, but in all reality, it’s fleeting. My husband does not care, nor does he miss my fake eyelashes or me wearing makeup. He just loves me the way I am. This has given me an opportunity to love me for me, just the way that I am.

Loving me for me!

9. Self-care – To preserve my mental health, I have started meditating more and doing my best to keep up with my exercise routine. I am cherishing this time because it has offered me an opportunity to really focus on my body and mind. I am taking the steps to live in the present, but release thoughts that do not benefit me or my family. I have been using 1 Giant Mind to meditate and I love it. You should try it out!

10. Our Essential Workers – I can’t end this article without thanking our essential workers. They are literally putting their lives at risk for us. While we are home, they are on the battlefield, and their families are there with them since they are at risk too. I have always been someone who treats the janitor the same way I would treat the CEO. But now more than ever, I cherish their efforts and pray for them and their families. They are not in an easy position. I am sure worry is lurking in their minds every day they go to work. The next time you see a grocery clerk, a pharmacist, a garbage collector, a nurse, a doctor, and all those who are out there fighting for us, thank them. Appreciate them! Let’s unite for them!

I ask you to reflect and do some introspection. What do you cherish more during this time?

2 thoughts on “10 Things I Cherish More During This Era”

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