The Risk We Face When Our Loved Ones Are Essential Workers

Photo Credit: Aalok Atreya

My husband is considered an essential worker. He is a Project Manager for the engineering department at a hospital in New York. One of his current projects is converting wards to accommodate more COVID19 patients. Most days, he is face-to-face with this invisible monster COVID19. He is not only at risk in the hospital but also while commuting on the subway.

This situation is so uncertain and developments happen every day. When it first was discovered in patients in the U.S., it was communicated that elderly people were at a higher risk. More and more, we are hearing that younger folks are having severe symptoms including pneumonia in both lungs and even sepsis. No one is exempt! Essential workers’ families are practicing social distancing from the external public. But realistically, at the end of the day, we are truly not doing that at all if we remain in the same house as our partners or family members.

Not only is his health and life is at risk, but also our family. I understand the importance of his job. I am so proud that he could be part of the state’s efforts to help those in need. This doesn’t mean I am not concerned and genuinely upset at times. We have a five-year-old daughter and a nine-month-old son to be concerned about. The CDC said, “Based on available evidence, children do not appear to be at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults.” This does not lessen the worry I have for my kids’ health.

Of course, I am also thinking about my health. I am immunocompromised. I have to be very careful. If I am down, our whole household will fall apart. I hold down the fort at our house. We don’t have many family members who lives nearby, nor would that help since we are practicing social distancing. Jasia is doing remote-schooling with a mix of virtual activities. Jaxon has many needs as a baby. I am cooking meals for the family and maintaining a clean and safe house. Just mommin all around! My day starts at 6:00 am and ends around 11:00 pm. That’s why I need to be in the best health, for me and my family.

Recently, we have taken more precautions. If you know me, you would know that I am slightly germophobic. My mom calls me a clean freak. My friend Tan and I always joke that these are actions we have always done. I have been cleaning the floors a bit more since our son crawls around a lot and our daughter plays on the floor as well. I have been sanitizing the doorknobs and other surfaces. My husband leaves his shoes at the bottom of the stairs. I started bagging his clothes before he even walks upstairs. He takes a shower and can finally spend some time with us. I joke with him and say soon I will be throwing a bucket of soap water on him before he even enters the house.

I know Jasia is worried about her dad. She is very smart and constantly analyzes situations. We have been comforting her along the way. Jasia said to me today, “Mommy, daddy is going to get the Coronavirus, isn’t he? I don’t want daddy to die!” In faith, I said, “We pray he will not! We have to ask God to cover him in the name of Jesus and protect him. We also have to ask God to protect our family and those who are ill.” She went off in a corner and prayed for her dad and for all the COVID19 patients in the world. She specifically said at the end of her prayer, “Jesus, please save everyone and make everyone live!” If you have ever listened to a child pray, you know that God is present in their hearts and He is lovingly comforting them through prayer. She trusts that he will move in this situation. I say this because right after she prayed, she skipped away happily.

Jasia praying!

We just have to continually take precautions and do the best we could during this unfortunate time. I have a friend who’s husband works as a social worker at a major correctional facility and another friend who’s husband works at a grocery chain. All who have an increased chance of being exposed and are at risk. To all the families of essential workers, my prayers go out to you and those on the front lines. Your worries are just as grand as theirs. May you and your families remain safe and full of good health.

Do you have any family members who are essential workers? What do they do? How have you been dealing with this situation?

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